Celebrate six years of Fashion Crisis!
Guest DJ Daizo Hirano joins us for the first time, while Prince Graves has been here before as part of She Talks Silence but performs solo for the first time.
Place: Koenji One
Date: April 3rd (Fri)
Time: 8:00pm-midnight
Cost: ¥500+1 drink (FREE before 9:00pm)
- Prince Graves
- Daizo (The Sound of Rain)
- James Hadfield
- Ian Martin
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
What I talk about when I talk about new wave / New Waveについて語るとき に僕の語ること
In advance of my event on 4/4, I’ve written a short essay on what I’m trying to do and what new wave means to me.
4/4(土)のイベントの前に、このイベントの事や、New Waveが自分にとってどれだけ大切なのかを書いてみました。
I’ve always been a fan of new wave and postpunk, with bands like XTC, Devo, Wire, The Monochrome Set and others having made some of the most important music for me. Japanese new wave too has been central to my experience of the music scene for me since I’ve been living in Tokyo and involved in the music scene here.
僕は昔からニュー・ウェーヴとポストパンクが大好きで、特にXTC、Devo、Wire、The Monochrome Setなどはとても大事なバンドだ。 日本のニュー・ウェーヴも僕が東京に暮らし、音楽シーンに参加しはじめた頃から自分にとってはとても中心核的な存在だ。
Place: 東高円寺二万電圧 / Higashi-Koenji 20000V
Date: 4月4日(土) / April 4th (Sat)
Time: 18:00-22:30
Cost: ¥2000+drink (adv) / ¥2300+drink (door)
・無呼吸過呼吸深呼吸 / Mukokyu Kakokyu Shinkokyu
・Compact Club
・ノイエサンスーシ(長崎) / Neue Sanssouci (from Nagasaki)
4/4(土)のイベントの前に、このイベントの事や、New Waveが自分にとってどれだけ大切なのかを書いてみました。
I’ve always been a fan of new wave and postpunk, with bands like XTC, Devo, Wire, The Monochrome Set and others having made some of the most important music for me. Japanese new wave too has been central to my experience of the music scene for me since I’ve been living in Tokyo and involved in the music scene here.
The Tokyo New Wave of New Wave ’98 compilation is a core text for me, introducing me to Motocompo, Skyfisher, Audipop, Chicago Bass and Spoozys — and I’ve worked with members of all these bands over the years. These bands in turn introduced me to the Plastics, Phew, P-Model, Chakra,
Hikashu, Jun Togawa and more. Japanese new wave is as distinctive, imaginative and exciting as anything in the music world.
コンピレーションアルバム「TOKYO NEWWAVE OF NEWWAVE ‘98」は僕にとってはコアテキストで、僕がMotocompo、Skyfisher、Audipop、Chicago Bass、Spoozysなどのアーティストを知るきっかけでもある。その後それぞれのバンドのメンバーと関わることになり、彼らを通してPlastics、Phew、P-Model、チャクラ、ヒカシュー、戸川純などを知る様になった。日本のニュー・ウェーヴは世界のあらゆる音楽と並ぶ、独特かつ独創的、そしてとてもエキサイティングな音楽だ。
The meanings of genre tags change over time — sometimes subtly and sometimes less so. New wave in the UK became linked with Britpop and was absorbed into indie rock in the 90s and early 2000s. Postpunk in Japan sometimes refers to very gentle, post-Shibuya-kei, neo-acoustic style music that’s as far away from the ferocious, uncompromising anti-rock of Wire as you could imagine.
New wave is a musical style associated with the past, and it’s almost impossible to see it without colouring it with nostalgia. Sometimes it can seem like an exhibit in a museum, observed respectfully but no longer understood in its original context and function. Sometimes it can seem like a fetish object — a kind of theatrical cabaret performance in a retro style or a set of subcultural cosplay fashion elements for idols.
New wave always had elements of theatre and pop (that’s what made it so much fun) but we shouldn’t forget that new wave came from punk. There was something anarchic and violent about it — not just a performance of violence like an idol group pretending to be punk rockers to capture a market niche, but an actual, burning creative desire to throw away the established rules and be different.
I love new wave. I love the sounds, and I revel in the nostalgia, even though it’s for a time I was too young to remember. I also love the fierce edge that it had. Call And Response Records’ Telephone Club events have always been informed by my love of post punk and new wave music, and with this coming event, I wanted to take the synth-based sounds of the early 80s and bring them back a little closer to their anarchic punk roots.
僕はニュー・ウェーヴを愛している。音が大好きで、ノスタルジーを享楽する。それがたとえ自分にとってはリアルタイムでなかったにも関わらず。あの猛烈なエッジがたまらない。Call And Response RecordsのTelephone Clubは常に僕のポストパンクとニュー・ウェーヴへの愛に満ちあふれているイベントで、今回は80年代初頭のシンセサウンドをルーツであるパンクとの距離を再び近づけたいという想いを込めている。
It is taking place in the punkest of punk venues Tokyo has to offer, and it’s going to be louder than bombs. It’s also going to give you five bands who make the best pop music you’ll hear all year.
Place: 東高円寺二万電圧 / Higashi-Koenji 20000V
Date: 4月4日(土) / April 4th (Sat)
Time: 18:00-22:30
Cost: ¥2000+drink (adv) / ¥2300+drink (door)
・無呼吸過呼吸深呼吸 / Mukokyu Kakokyu Shinkokyu
・Compact Club
・ノイエサンスーシ(長崎) / Neue Sanssouci (from Nagasaki)
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Telephone Club (April 4th, 2014)
ニューウェイヴをパンクルーツへ原点回帰: 爆弾より轟音でコカ・コーラよりもポップなシンセティッ ク・ライオット・パーティー。
Bringing new wave back to its punk roots: A synthetic riot party that’s louder than bombs and more pop than Coca Cola.
Place: 東高円寺二万電圧 / Higashi-Koenji 20000V
Date: 4月4日(土) / April 4th (Sat)
Time: 18:00-22:30
Cost: ¥2000+drink (adv) / ¥2300+drink (door)
・無呼吸過呼吸深呼吸 / Mukokyu Kakokyu Shinkokyu
元Skyfisherの中山貴史が結成。猛烈なエネルギ ーでカオスと精密さを融合した、ブログレ的なアートパン クを放つギターレスのシンセ・ジャンク・オーケストラ。
Formed by Takashi Nakayama of Skyfisher, this guitarless synth-junk orchestra bring a kind of frantic, progressive rock-influenced art-punk that combines chaos and precision with furious energy.
DAF head-butting Bon Jovi.
・ノイエサンスーシ / Neue Sanssouci(長崎 / Nagasaki)
長崎で最も高品質かつカオティックなシンセ/バイオリン 中心のチップチューンとジャンキーニューウェイヴを奏で る。
Nagasaki’s finest purveyors of chaotic, synth-and-violin-led chiptune new wave junk.
・Compact Club
PlasticsやP-Model、そしてエッジのある ノー・ウェイヴ的なギターサウンドを見事に融合させた絶 妙なバランス。
Obviously heavily influenced by the Plastics and P-Model, Compact Club balance that with a sharp, no-wave-influenced guitar edge.
・ネオンズ / Neons
京都出身。推進力のあるエネルギッシュなポップを放つ完 全シンセバンド。
Originally from Kyoto, an entirely synth-led band, who make propulsive, energetic pop.
- wizzjones
Bringing new wave back to its punk roots: A synthetic riot party that’s louder than bombs and more pop than Coca Cola.
Place: 東高円寺二万電圧 / Higashi-Koenji 20000V
Date: 4月4日(土) / April 4th (Sat)
Time: 18:00-22:30
Cost: ¥2000+drink (adv) / ¥2300+drink (door)
・無呼吸過呼吸深呼吸 / Mukokyu Kakokyu Shinkokyu
Formed by Takashi Nakayama of Skyfisher, this guitarless synth-junk orchestra bring a kind of frantic, progressive rock-influenced art-punk that combines chaos and precision with furious energy.
DAF head-butting Bon Jovi.
・ノイエサンスーシ / Neue Sanssouci(長崎 / Nagasaki)
Nagasaki’s finest purveyors of chaotic, synth-and-violin-led chiptune new wave junk.
・Compact Club
Obviously heavily influenced by the Plastics and P-Model, Compact Club balance that with a sharp, no-wave-influenced guitar edge.
・ネオンズ / Neons
Originally from Kyoto, an entirely synth-led band, who make propulsive, energetic pop.
- wizzjones
Friday, 6 March 2015
Fashion Crisis (March 2015)
The first wind of spring is a typhoon of noise in this March Crisis, and helping us launch this season of the senses we have second-time guest DJ Kaita Tanaka from Worst Taste & Special Magic, and Crisis virgin Naga-Ecstacy. Be there and bring vibes.
Place: Koenji One
Date: March 6th (Fri)
Time: 8:00pm-midnight
Cost: ¥500+1 drink (FREE before 9:00pm)
- Kaita Tanaka (Worst Taste)
- Naga-Ecstacy
- James Hadfield
- Ian Martin
Place: Koenji One
Date: March 6th (Fri)
Time: 8:00pm-midnight
Cost: ¥500+1 drink (FREE before 9:00pm)
- Kaita Tanaka (Worst Taste)
- Naga-Ecstacy
- James Hadfield
- Ian Martin