Wednesday 28 April 2010

Fashion Crisis (May 2010)

Regular headliners Candles will be away in Osaka for this month's International Workers' Day edition of Fashion Crisis, but with legendary picopico maestra Hosaka Akane and the wonderful Students, whose off-kilter new wave guitar pop has been thrilling Call And Response since they opened the first ever C.A.R. event in 2004, coming instead, it will no doubt be every bit as charming an experience.

Elsewhere, another old friend Grant McGaheran of Abikyokan joins on decks, while myself and Metropolis' own James Hadfield will be rocking a musical parade of our own up for the proletariat.

Date: May 1st (Sat)
Place: Koenji Bar One
Time: 7:30 P.M. till 11:00 P.M.
Price: FREE

-Hosaka Akane
-The Students

-Grant McGaheran (Abikyokan)
-James Hadfield
-Ian Martin

Thursday 1 April 2010

Fashion Crisis Anniversary Party (April 2010)

Fashion Crisis is one year old this week, hence another mega-celebration and another change of day, this time to Friday 2nd April. This time we're going to party hard, like Andrew WK, deep into the morning, to an embarrassment of cool sounds, unlike Andrew WK.

For this live and DJ extravaganza, we've gathered a bumper collection of some of our favourite acts from the last year with more DJs and live acts than you can count on the fingers of two hands (i.e. more than ten, just).

Date: April 2nd (Fri)
Place: Koenji Bar One
Time: 8:00 P.M. till 5:00 A.M.
Price: FREE

-Back in Tokyo
-Kiyokazu Onozaki (Andersens)
-Umbrella-X (acoustic set)

-Beau Brummell & the Wheels of Steel
-Kaname K
-DJ Petit
-James Hadfield
-Ian Martin