Sunday 30 June 2013

Quit Your Band! (July 13th 2013)

A triple-celebration, of the release of our "Quit Your Band!" indie 'zine, Mir's new album "Я не могу без тебя", and finally of Ian's birthday!

Joining Mir are synth-punk trio Jebiotto, electronic/psychedelic/kayoukyoku trio Fancynumnum, Gifu no wave noise punks Jubilee, and melodic indie-guitar band DYGL. Meanwhile, "Quit Your Band!" editors Ryotaro Aoki and Ian Martin will be spinning tracks between bands.

Date: 7/13 (Sat)
Place: Koenji Penguin House
Time: 18:00/18:30
Cost: ¥1800 adv / ¥2000 door (+1 drink)
・Jubilee (from Gifu)

インディー雑誌"Quit Your Band!"のリリース、Mirの新アルバム「Я не могу без тебя」の発売、そしてイアンの誕生日、を一気に祝うトリプルお祝いイベントです!

Mirと共演するのは、シンセパンクトリオのJebiotto、エレクトロ・サイケ・歌謡曲トリオのFancynumnum、岐阜出身ノーウェーブパンクバンドJubilee、そしてメロディックインディーギターバンドDYGLです。転換中は"Quit Your Band!"のエディターのIan MartinとRyotaro AokiがDJを担当。

Open/Start: 18:00/18:30
チケット: ¥1800 adv / ¥2000 door (+1 drink)
・Jubilee (岐阜)


Monday 3 June 2013

Fashion Crisis (June 2013)

June's Fashion Crisis is very excited to feature the frazzled electronic dreams of Shizukanoumi playing live, as well DJ sets including the Teutonic industrial moods of Sascha Mandler and mutant disco tag team duo Judgment Cats.

(Please note the slightly earlier finish time, the result of complaining neighbours, and try not to make a noise outside the venue)

Date: June 7th (Friday)
Place: Koenji One
Time: 8:00pm-midnight.
Cost: FREE!
- 静かの海 (Shizukanoumi)
- Sascha Mandler
- Judgment Cats (DJ Rally & DJ P from the mornings)
- James Hadfield
- Ian Martin